Trova il supporto giusto per fiorire.

Ogni cammino inizia con la guida e gli strumenti giusti. Attraverso consulenze personalizzate e tecniche di guarigione olistica trasformative, creeremo insieme il percorso su misura per te.

Consulenza di naturopatia

Uno studio personalizzato e approfondito per scoprire la strada giusta da percorrere verso il tuo benessere. In studio o online.

a woman holding a candle in a candle holder
a woman holding a candle in a candle holder
Trattamenti Reiki

Una tecnica non invasiva che agisce su ogni piano del proprio essere. Da 20 minuti a 1 ora e qualche minuto; a distanza o in studio.

Essenze floreali a supporto del benessere emotivo e dell'armonia personale. Preparerò una miscela su misura per te.

Fiori di Bach
a woman receiving a Reiki treatment
a woman receiving a Reiki treatment
a bottle of floral essences and more Bach Flower remedies in the background
a bottle of floral essences and more Bach Flower remedies in the background
Consulenze Ayurveda

Indicazioni studiate in base al dosha e alla stagione dell'anno, per uno stile di vita più equilibrato. In studio o online.

a cup of golden milk, pieces of ginger, and honey
a cup of golden milk, pieces of ginger, and honey
Tarocchi e approfondimenti spirituali

Letture intuitive e canalizzazioni per ottenere chiarezza e spunti utili a seguire il percorso della tua vita. In studio, per telefono o online.

Percorsi di meditazione personalizzati per riconnetterti al tuo Sé e vivere al meglio il tuo quotidiano.

Meditazioni guidate
a Tarot card placed on a rock
a Tarot card placed on a rock
a woman joining her hands in meditation
a woman joining her hands in meditation

Client Feedback

Discover how our holistic care transforms lives and promotes wellbeing.

I felt an incredible shift after my session. Truly transformative and healing experience!

Emily R.
A person is receiving a hot stone massage, lying on a massage table with several smooth, dark stones placed along their bare back. A therapist's hand is visible applying pressure to an arm. A pink flower is tucked behind the person's ear, and the setting appears to be a spa environment.
A person is receiving a hot stone massage, lying on a massage table with several smooth, dark stones placed along their bare back. A therapist's hand is visible applying pressure to an arm. A pink flower is tucked behind the person's ear, and the setting appears to be a spa environment.


The personalized care I received was exceptional. I left feeling rejuvenated and balanced, ready to embrace life with renewed energy and clarity. Highly recommend this holistic studio!

Arranged Scrabble tiles spell out the word 'THERAPY' on a white surface. Bright green leaves frame the image, with a plant pot in the background contributing an organic and serene aesthetic.
Arranged Scrabble tiles spell out the word 'THERAPY' on a white surface. Bright green leaves frame the image, with a plant pot in the background contributing an organic and serene aesthetic.
Michael T.



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